Type O Negative Blood: A Creation of God or Aliens? > OffTopic | Forums | Bungie.net (2025)

Written by Betty Matteson Rhodes1. Basques (Spain): 35% Rh-negative2. Whites: 15% Rh-negative3. Blacks: 8% Rh-negative4. Native Americans: 1-2% Rh-negative5. Asians: 2% Rh-negativeRH Negative Factor by HiberiaNearly 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood. Their red blood cells contain a substance called the RHesus blood factor. This means the positive blood contains a protein that can be traced to the Rhesus monkey. It is acknowledged that blood factors are transmitted with more exactitude than any other human or animal characteristic. It is not known from where the negative rh factor derived.The highest concentration of RH negative blood occurs in the Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern France, and in the Eastern/Oriental Jews. Only 15% of the entire world's population are known to have the RH negative blood factor. While it is known that RH negative blood - (type 'O') is the purest blood known to mankind, it is not known from where the negative factor originates. The majority of people, especially the native people of the Americas have type 'O' blood, except the Blackfoot Indians who have 82% type A blood. These native people are the only tribe to have this high concentration of A blood - most other American Indians have 80% type 'O'. It is the rh negative factor that makes the blood 'pure'. Pure enough to be the universal blood of the world. Everyone on the face of the earth can receive rh negative type 'O' blood, but these very same 'O' negative people cannot receive blood from any other type except their own type. The three types are 'O', 'B', 'A' and a fourth - a combination of 'AB'.Rh negative blood indicates no protein connections to the Rhesus monkey, whereas rh positive blood does carry protein linked to the Rhesus monkey - hence the 'rh', i.e. rhesus. Blood type 'O' is the most common. Blood type 'A' is next, and blood type 'B' is after that. Blood type 'AB' is the least common. It is very rare for even as many as 10 percent of a population to be of blood type 'AB'. When we seperate the types into 'negative' and 'positive' we find that 'O' negative (the universal donor blood) constitutes less than 7% of the world's population. Science at this very time is attempting to make the recipe for rh negative 'O' blood, but without success. The protein in positive blood can be cloned, but not so of the negative blood - which is quite interesting. If the rh negative factor does not derive from any known earthly link - from where did it originate? Perhaps Zechariah Sitchen would be able to tell us. He would no doubt say it is from the 'gods'. What the big boys say is that the rh-negative factor is a mutation of unknown origin which happened a few thousand years ago. These 'negative' blooded people spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain, England, Ireland, France and later into America, Canada and Australia. A faction of 'O' negative people can be found amongst the Basque peoples. They contain the largest concentration of known 'O' negative blooded people today because, they for the most part, have confined themselves to one area, whereas the Celtic people have branched out among all the new world.It is evident that Adam and Eve had rhnegative blood - the type would have to be 'O', because Adam was created perfect and that would mean the 'purest' blood. Eve would definitely have the same blood as well. Eve's 'sin' was committing adultry with an 'outsider' (yes there were other humans on the earth when Adam and Eve were placed here). Eve's sin resulted in the birth of Cain - with positive blood - his father perhaps a Blackfoot Indian with 'A' positive type blood (see chart above). Descendants of Cain were sent out from Adam and Eve into the land of 'Nod' - (America?). Or maybe Cain's father was a 'Lapp' who again had A+ blood. Cain's family were sent into 'Nod' which could mean the extreme north - a good place to send Cain, and America wouldn't be much of a punishment. The Blackfoot Indians do have the highest concentration of 'A' blood, however. The descendants of Cain would have confined themselves from the outside races of people because they were 'marked' in some way and were fearful of death if they ventured out into the world.Blood was, and still is, sacred to the God of Israel. When the Israelites were kept in the wilderness for forty years (a biblical generation), perhaps it was to cleanse their blood. After many years of inner-marriages with A+ and B+ blood types their once pure bloodline was becoming corrupt. This once 'clean' breed of people were instructed to marry only within the other Israelite tribes, thus preventing contamination of their blood line by producing only RH 'O' negative children. The Israelites were given a 'promise' land after their long quarantine in the wilderness, but only the younger generations were allowed to enter the promise land - those under the age of twenty who were born in the wilderness with two negative Israelite parents. When these younger Israelites were set free to go down to the promise land they were instructed not to marry outside their own tribes, and strict hygienic instructions were imposed upon them as well. But eventually the Israelites scattered in all directions marrying other than Israelite spouses, and the positive blood in all types soon took over and today 85% of humans are positive.An RH negative pregnant mother's body will reject her positive blooded baby in the womb. Her body fights the RHesus factor as a foreign element. A positive mother's body does not fight the negative baby she is carrying however.There are certain similairites that occur to those having rh negative blood - according to some who have it there are common patterns found, which include the following:1. predominance of green or hazel eyes that change color like a chameleon, but also blue eyes2. true red or reddish hair3. low pulse rate4. low blood pressure5. keen sight or hearing6. ESP7. extra rib or vertabrae8. UFO connections9. love of space and science10. a sense of not belonging to the human race11. piercing eyes12. para-normal occurrences13. physic dreams14. truth seekers15. desire for higher wisdom 16. empathetic illnesses 17. deep compassion for fate of mankind18. a sense of a 'mission' in life19. physic abilities20. unexplained scars on body21. capability to disrupt electrical appliances22. alien contacts---------------------------------------------------------------Does anyone else find this really cool and intriguing to look into?



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Type O Negative Blood: A Creation of God or Aliens? > OffTopic | Forums | Bungie.net (2025)


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