Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)

1 10 THE SUNDAY PRESS Binghamton. N. Nor, SO, 1953 Chi-Reds Warn U. S. 'Intrudes' Tokyo Communist China has issued a new "serious warning" to the United States, Picture ioi'ies charging two U.

Air rorce F10'4 fighters intruded over Chinese territorial air space in the Matsu and Pingtan area Fri day. Jr. League Aides at Tea Radio Peiping said a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman had been authorized to issue the '43rd serious warning against the continued U. S. military provocations." Li 4H I Ike Sends Tito Greetings Washington UP) Presi Mrs.

Charles E. Austin entertained heads of departments of the Junior League at a tea at her home, Nov. 8, 1938. Mrs. William S.

Chittenden and Mrs. Guthrie Smith poured. Among those attending were Mrs. Harry Johnson, President of the Junior League; Mrs. Stanley Metzgar, Mrs.

Clifton H. Berlinghof, Mrs. Milton H. Steele, Mrs. George L.

Hinman, Miss Harriet Brit-ton, Mrs. Clarence F. Hotch-kin, Mrs. Roland C. Bates, dent Eisenhower yesterday sent anniversary greetings to President Tito of Communist wusm Burnt sf to- ww tJt Today marks the 14th year "since the Federal People's Re 4f i v.w.

if t' public was proclaimed, ine President's said: "It cives me ereat pleasure to send to your excellency best wishes and congratulations on this national anniversary of the Federal 1 People's Republic of Pope Schedules Audiences Vatican City (JP) Pope John XXIII will continue the policy of Pius XII by holding general audiences every Wednesday noon, the Vatican announced yesterday. Mrs. William Larrabee, Mrs. Charles Turner, Mrs. William C.

Altmann. 20 Years Ago Circle 3 Luncheon Mrs. W. W. Barton was hostess to members of Circle 3 of Tabernacle Methodist Church at a luncheon at her home, Nov.

17, 1938. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Clarence Bagg, Mrs. C. C.

Beebe and Mrs. William Plumsted. Guests were Miss Vivian Rogers, Mrs. Maurice Kenyon and Mrs. Rilla Bowman.

Other members present were Mrs. C. W. Carter, Mrs. C.

A. Carter, Mrs. A. D. Decker, Mrs.

E. B. Emens, Mrs. Minnie Fessenden, Mrs. LeRoy Jones, Mrs.

C. R. Male, Mrs. Vere H. Multer, Mrs.

Henry Multer, Mrs. Edward Neill, Mrs. H. C. Perkins, Mrs.

F. D. Robinson, Mrs. Rose Tobias, Mrs. A.

C. Yetter, Mrs. J. W. Heinrich, Mrs.

Fred Lott, Mrs. Creighten Wray and Mrs. Roscoe Meaker. 20 Years Ago NEARING JUNIOR HIGH STATUS Here's the 6A Grade of Theodore Roosevelt School as it lined up back in 1933. Photo and identifications were supplied by Mrs.

John Basa, Gardiner Road, Binghamton: Beginning at left, front to back, first row: Virgil Layton, Ruth Fairweather and Miss Leora VanLoan. Second row: LaRue Smith, Jane Waringr, Dorothy Conklin, Emily McBride, Virginia Dean and Jacques Harrington. Third row: Betty Barnes, Peggy Brooks, Evelyn Fox, Jeanette Merrill, Pauline Richard Whieldon, unidentified. Fourth row: Truman McDonald, Albert Page, Eunice Doolittle, Harold Strope, LaRita Chesbro, Clifford Utter, Rich-ard Schaffer. Fifth row: Audrey Hulbert, Doug Holmes, Helen Cooper, Robert Parks, Jeanette Hoyt, unidentified.

Sundays and holidays he will appear at noon in the window of his apartment overlooking St. Peter's Square to give Apostolic blessing to crowds of Romans and tourists usually assembled there. 20 Years Ago Reds Through Canal Port Said, Egypt VP) Four Soviet anti-submarine naval vessels transitted the Suez canal yesterday en route to Indonesia. LITTLE BOY LOST James Gorab, 14, left home in Wyckoff, N. last Saturday and has not been heard from since.

He was last seen hitchhiking. His mother thinks he may be working on a farm. A 13-state police alarm has gone out 250 Attend Monday Club Talk, Tea More than 250 members of the Monday Afternoon club assembled in the clubhouse auditorium Monday afternoon, Nov. 7, 1938, to hear Miss Mary Sandall, psychologist, student of Jung and Adler, speak on "The Tyranny of Moods." Tea was served In the parlors following Miss Sandall's talk. Mrs.

Thomas A. Mac-Clary and Mrs. Archibald Mac-Arthur poured. Assisting were Mrs. Alexander H.

Schaper, Mrs. William H. Eadie, Mrs. Josef M. McBride, Mrs.

Elton R. Dickson, Mrs. Raymond Merchant and Mrs. Earl C. Valley.

Remaining for tea were: Mrs. Frank S. Bump, Mrs. William H. Loveland, Mrs.

Edward S. Robinson, Mrs. Earl Robinson, of New Milford, Mrs. Edwin A. Link, Mrs.

George T. Link, Mrs. Harold V. Hager, Mrs. Edward B.

Gale, Mrs. George Hamilton, Mrs. Harold Speary, Mrs. Herbert Ray, Mrs. G.

W. Garland, Mrs. William Bush, Mrs. Merwin L. Burgin, Miss Florence Lewis, Mrs.

Renna Z. Spaulding, Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs. Vere H. Multer, Mrs.

Merton Knapp, Mrs. Austin M. Johnston, Mrs. Giles H. Dickinson, Mrs.

J. Leonard Blaney, Mrs. Clement G. Bowers, Mrs. C.

Blanchard Henry, Mrs. John R. Kirby, Mrs. Frank Truitt. Mrs.

J. Philip McLaughlin, and Mrs. Richard S. Hill. 20 Years Ago 30 Tables in Play At Newcomers Party Players for more than 30 tables attended the card party sponsored by the Newcomers Club in Masonic Temple, Nov.

18, 1938. Mrs. William H. Kel-lar headed the committee. Noted among the players were Mr.

and Mrs. R. E. Neckel, Mr. and Mrs.

C. D. Frawley, Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. i Contois, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.

Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. U. V.

Culber, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. St.

John, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr.

and Mrs. E. E. Baker, Mr. and Mrs.

A. W. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. O.

C. Amnion, Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs. William McVaugh, Mr. and Mrs. James Hartnett, Mr.

and Mrs. Sidney Mellen, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jolley, Mr. and Mrs.

G. H. Jones. Also Mr. and Mrs.

E. H. Wil-ber, Mr. and Mrs. E.

T. George, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.

Long, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Trinkino, Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Mcintosh, Mr. and Mrs.

L. A. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. H.

G. Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, Mrs. George Comfort, Mrs.

Claude Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Neal T. Kline, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Hikok, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Leon E.

Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MeCullum, Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Orton, 20 Years Ago Tour Discussed Miss Violet McElheny spoke on her European tour before members of Johnson City Literary Society at a meeting Nov. 15, 1938, at Your Home Public library. Present were Mrs. Ivan Barber, Miss Fern Atwood, Mrs.

Odin Beall, Mrs. Silas Bennett, Miss Esther Christianson, Mrs. Wilbur Dorland, Mrs. Leonard Dufford, Mrs. Emma Keeler, Mrs.

Fred Landon, Mrs. John McBurney, Mrs. Ralph Moshier, Mrs. Frank Olin, Miss Mary Paisley, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs.

Lena Star-bird, Miss Mina Tupper, Mrs. Walter Williams. Mrs. Leland 20 Years Ago Sorority Has Dance Fifth anniversary of Theta Rho Sorority was marked by an informal dance in Hotel Bennett, Nov. 10, 1938.

Among those attending were Miss Lucille McDonald, Miss Madeline Hempstead, Miss Dorothy Clugstone, Miss Evelyn King, Miss Blanche Decker, Miss Jane Conant, Miss Alice Brown, Miss Thelma Gower, Miss Louise Hauser, Miss Edna Schilling, Miss Mar-jorie Tamkins, Miss Betha Russell, Miss Leona Newman, Miss Audrey Reynolds, Miss Naomi Decker, Miss Madeline Crane, Miss Gertrude Weeks, Miss Ruth Miller, Miss Betty Warner, Miss Alma Decker, Miss Mary Zakli, Miss Helen 20 Years Ago PETTIS MOVING COMPANY 4-4443 Gontesky, Miss Ellen Cross-man, Miss Betty Crossman, Miss Grace Knight, Miss Gladys Wheeler, Miss Anita Rees, Miss Alma Peternik, Miss Eleanor Micks, and Miss Clara Stanton. Also Walter Hennessey, Francis Brien, George Van- Staden, Jerry Kilmer, Frank Keys, Paul Dilka, Joe Bolck, Gus Milks, Bob Balcom, Charles Osterhout, Dick Watson, John Lockwood, E. L. Lernger, Clarence Russell, Dort Cameron, Jack Hall, John Lockwood. Patrick Munson, Wright Dunham, Ernest Unger, Allen Reynolds, Robert Adams, Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Luce. Mr. and Mrs. William Fink.

20 Years Ago vvy.v.y.. v.v. wvw.vw eowMftm mwM MMPW i 11 i v. ryy- THE i WIFE APPROVED MOVERS! Woodmansee and Mrs. Walter Heffner.

20 Years Ago Agents for North American Van Lines WANTED: OLD PHOTOS Do you have a picture, 20 or 30 years old, you'd like to see printed in The Sunday Press? Photographs of groups of persons or events of general interest, taken about 1928-38, are being sought for use in the regular Sunday Press feature A Backward Glance. Take a look around your home. Very likely you will find one. nd it with date, identifications and return address to: A Backward Glance The Sunday Press Binghamton, N. Y.

We will publish the photograph, if reproducible, graphs, whether used or not, will be returned. BRAND NEW 1959 Ha a 4-1 if a ia i II I peyiIa A A'B All CTnnM lUfiMnnur ruoiuic id a nuo i I I llitlvl MiruifllVUtt i I Li mm mmmm Wl tfr Hill mmw IT SILENT SOLACE Cable company president Malcolm White, 48, Is embraced by his wife In court at Monroe after he was held without bail on a first degree murder charge in the death of Alfred Dugan, labor organizer who was fatally shot Nov. 13. I'xV? "i Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gould. Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davenport, Mrs. Harry Mirfin, Mr. and Mrs.

John H. Bakelaar, Mrs. Stuart McCall. Mrs. Edward Jones, Mrs.

William Dempsey, Mr. and Mrs. Roman Unterschutz. 20 Years Ago Clipper Club Meets Clipper Club of the West Presbyterian chruch met in the church parlors for a spaghetti supper and social Nov, 16, 1938. The party included Mr.

and Mrs. Edward B. Badger, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baker, Mr.

and Mrs. Willard Baldwin, Dr. and Mrs. Albert Baumann, Mr. and Mrs.

Horace Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert deClercq, Mr. and Mrs. Norman S.

Fyfe, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hummer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.

Ing-wall, Mr. and Mrs. William Kessler, Mr. and Mrs. David Martin, Mr.

and Mrs. Cletus Schmidt, Warren Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weegar, Mr. and Mrs.

Howard H. Young, Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Young, Mr. and Mrs.

Dwight Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Rex White. Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. John Brusill.

Miss Stacia Klimow and Gus Petras of the John Hus Presbyterian church were guests. 20 Years Ago i rQISi tl you can get from sleeping 8 t) tirfta I ffSl EEHUIKE TR1FLE-A0T1QH TfV? lupport that aligns, rlox, ton vp If 11 I li'l If 1 ltVx II ALL ALUMINUM STORM pojtvr. Reploc that worn-out mat- 111 I i 111 mmmmmm' If hen with a Posturepedic th kind It II I L. A mmZmL 111 AMtt you A doct0f, Twin Sil, 1 Ur" vV II I Mill I 1 Vl $7950 Alway Matching I 11 Ml llliil 1 i A Yvsssss A Nyl SCREEN WINDOWS (j Shop Tncs. and Thursday 'til i f' i 7 7-9 Court St.

9 p.m. 2-4251 llpi I i C) (M) (store) I lu-- I lpiuk f) vS Vlliy llta-Jssisl MINIMUM 6 WINDOWS J'i A to a 40x80 mJJM Aluminum Combination If 26-28-30 CHENANGO ST. MONDAY l) llSnl rrn find (1 mxrnr nnri screen Gna ilOri i need painting-rust resistant. StOriH DOOr ty uUi X3tl ti fc With Purchase of 10 or More f) Meaty RIB Freshly Cut 1 VINDOV5 END CUTS (tSM. from plump ti Specially HA IQ lean "LITTLE I )) for iJ 1 pig" loins K0 MONEY DOWK-U? TO 3 YEARS TO PAY! I MON.

ONLY lb. JJ Shop Early 1 if t( i Jy FIRST PAY MENT APRIL 1S53 5 ABSOLUTELY 1st DIVIDEND Iff j- fp-frmrTTTr 1 1 FREE JO STAMPS WMl VSSBBBM NOTHING TO BUY JUST BRING THIS COUPON lU fJUUllJji CALLS TAKEN PHONE I VRITE I i GOOD ONLY DEC. 1 LIMIT 1TO A CUSTOMER jg 24 HOURS A DAY A AtfM TODAY (( mrnrr a ntfnata :1 including Sunday (I Associated Press WIREPHOTOS. FISH STORY This 15-foot, pilot whale or blark-fish ran ashore near Palm Beach. An expedition from the Seaquarium looking for such a specimen took over, slipping rubber raft under him and towing him to Miami.

When and if the mammal shows signs of recovery from the 12-hour trip he'll be on display in a large pool at the Seaquarium. Grace Gets Full Control Beautiful Wedding Invitations and Accessories OPEN EVENINGS Doctors to Get Latest Tips Minneapolis (T) Thousands of family doctors will get tips from researchers and specialists this week on the latest medical advances they can apply in their daily practice. An estimated 3,000 physicians New York W. R. Grace Co.

acquired full ownership of Process Evaluation Development an engineering company, through the issue of 19,526 shares of Grace stock to cover two-thirds of the stock of Process Evaluation. One-third of the firm was already owned by Grace. It Stretches New York (fP) International Paper Co. and West Virginia Pulp Papec has signed licensing agreements to manufacture stretchable paper. are expected to attend the an-! nual clinical meeting of the The on Time Printers GRAND AVE.

AT BALDWIN ST. JOHNSON CITY 7-5948 of i LI 24 ii- ll MMMIMSi GET 'EM riPING HOT! Rifffat from Our 2 Kettles to You American Association, Tuesday through Friday. Robert Frost has won the Pulitzer Prize (or poetry four times In 1924, 1931, 1937 and 1943. "fV.

Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.