Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)

.1 Star-Bulletin 500-MIULAlMI TOWN 9) 504- KAJMUKI-KAPAHULU (3 D-12 Friilny, December 22. 1995 610-Peu for Sale 605-Uvestodc Service Supplies wmmmommmsmm I tmssBsoaammmm I isa'WMMJiwagiwM 601 -Bargain Box 601-Bargaln Box OPN MON FRI 4 6 SAT 10 5 Kulanut Hale 2860 Waialae Av BRAND Nt Fee See today! One left! 11 $148,500 One left! 21 $202,500 Wayne Masuda (H) 927-2372 AyersCorp. 946 8033 Summer Villa 16th II VII Wi FEE 1 bdrm. Secured parking $193,500 Star Realty 533-7522 504-KAPIOLANI 2) Agreement of Sale10 year wno downl Best new Fee Simple 22 wvlews. 988 2905 504-MAKIKI-TAiMTALUS2 A Great Buy! (L) 22.

2 tanais, cv prkg, lull amenities Owner 235-0616 Fee Lge sludiocv prkg, new carpetdrapes, $I28K. M. Uyehara Assoc 833-4964 New Spencer Terr $199,900 Open MF 1 4PM; 1 5PM Wayne Masuda (R) 927 2372 Sieve Weeks (RA) 532 9538 Ward Lanais 1300 sf. 22, FEE. $275,000.

New carpet paint McGhinCo 5315677 989 Wilder 2 bdrm. lux. Pan oiamic ocn view, ac, pool, new crpt Reduced' $470,000 fee. Johnstone (R) 737 6215 504-McCULLY-WOIUIU 2 727 UNIVERSITY, 1 bdrm. prkg, $155,000 (I S) Miller Hee Really 523-1639.

734 8951 504-PACIFIC (1) Dowselt Point 33. 2 prkg. lee. Sellers have lound home $375,000 Philip Enomoto (R) 524 6588. 948 1110 pgr 504-WAIANAf COAST 8 (NANAKUU TO MAKAHA! Best Christmas grtti 0 down, fast easvl 21.

$50,000 (L-FA) Real Isle Prop 845 7878 504-WAIKIKI 2 AAAAA LUXURY AAAAA CONDOS and PtNiMUUSis From. $239,000 To USA-80B-956-6556 946-1015 MARK PAULSON REALTORS NEAR KUHIO BEACH, studio. $59,500 (L). 10 down. AS $900mo.

8 int. 373-4066 Owner will finance 22. 2465 Prince Edward $25,000 down, terms. 689-7234. SOS-Real Estate Loans NEED CASH or LOAN? WE buy mortgages AS.

Call Investors Funding 536-6129 PRIVATE Investor Funds avail. lor Mortgage Loans. Grune-wald Equity 1 808 826 2577 SOo-Real Estate to Exchange HAWAII KAI Namwa Gardens. lurmshed 11, all amens 4- 2 gar spaces Sell or trade lor 261 6355 or 225-1609 MANOA 4 bdrm, 2 bath (FS) $550,000 value trade tor wai-kiki condo 1 or 2 bdrm Owner finance balance 988 3305 520-Reai Estate Announcements A AC1IVE DUTY MILITARY OR VETERAN. Buy a home Ha waii wno dn.

Dvmt. Use VA linancing Luko Rlty 487-7966 AAA U.S. GOV'T. REPOS Midpac Int'l. Realty 537-9678 AGENTS needed Excellent training mgmt Thomas Won (R) 973 6800.

ERA 90 BUY OR SELL MAINLAND PROPERTY CFNIURY 21 Kailua Beach Realty 263-6000 CALL DIRECT To place an ad on these pages, call our sales representative on your island. BIG ISLAND Pegge Keawe, Consultant P.O. Box 112 Mountain View, HI 96771 Ph. 968-6690 (FAX) 968-6695 MAUI Barbara Fitzoatrick 65 No. Church Wailuku 96793 Ph.

244-0042 (FAX) 244-5170 CENTURY 21HOMEFINDERS 677-0721 EXCHANGE SPECIALIST Free Consultation Ira Gordon (R) ALOHA HOMES 941 811 LAS VEGAS PROPERTIES FOR SAIE CLYDE ABE REALTY 524 2742 NEED LAND! Have client who needs small lot- will pay up to $200,000 -can close ouickly. Call Hollace A. (Holly) Turl (R) 261-6035 (H) Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties Individually owned operated NEW and Experienced Agents Budget Realty. Ltd need your help in marketing two new protect to go on market soon. One will be in Waipahu and the other in Kaneohe.

Call today tor your personal and confidential interview Budget Realty. Ltd 847 8531 PROPERTY MANAGER with Brokers lie needed, will be acting as PB Call 522-7102 REAL ESTATE AGENTS FOR EXPANDING FIRM. AIEA REALIY INC 487-7977 House 22. new construction, plumbed wired. Must be moved Jan.

96. $60,000 Owner. 732 7732 or 595-0233. mmmmmammM 55CMncomelnvest Prop, 1.177 acre Mililani lot (FS) 7nnjri 7 it 79 300 Hurrvl Dwighl Hayes (RA) 623 26fi6 Veterans Realty Inc. 625 1991 555-Buslness Industrial BMX-3 PiikmKeeaumoku Two 4 000 sf lots.

$550,000 ea. lee Realty Trade Center 946 9592 CAMPBELL Shoo woh crane whse otc 18.000 under roof 682 8215, 263 3334 Andy Kalakaua (FEE) vacant lota HMX3 752!) SI l.mtu si USG Really Corp (Owner! 942 1661. 524 9580 KAPIOLANI 3.759 sqtt. lee simple oles. w11 prg $50 000 Tamyama (H) 522 5991 Soros Heatty oorp Sand Island 7500 st industrial KJ umm mmm oner.

ChaocHH) CHI, tnc 942 7100 "---i-- to ourchase commer- cralmouBirw tana mm w. out Dtrtg 10 FS, ocnview Ment Prop 395-6292 rm rETSlTtTSTSa 605 Livestock Services and Supplies 610 Pets for Sale 61 1 Pet Shows 612 Pet Services and Supplies 615 -Poultry Services and Supplies Ae-pWTwif mquind 31'A fixer upper on Ige pvt rof iui rven ames (H) 4H8-0472 Hawaii E. Proa 5CQ-M0ANALUA111 Extandd living 42 up, 22 dn, aeis appia jrtao.uoo (FH) Clarence A. Lee (R) 395 6076 500-NORTH SHORE 6) BARGAIN of the centuryl Acre oceanrroni rra) nousea. aasessed Massacre price $700K.

Trade. 293 5100 VACANT LOTS, lee, terms Start $155,000 637 3511 Marianne Abrigo Properties 500-PEARL CITY (12 Pacific Palisades 3't Lge lamrlyrm lanai on orjj r. encl yd NOW ONLY $299,000 Kon Tiki Really 687974 500-VACANT LAND BUILDER'S DELIGHT BuikJ your own dream home on one ol 2 perimeter lots with scenic mountain a ocean views Cool breeze privacy-each lot is over 7.000 sq 4 priced at $203,500 (FS) Listor is owner Elise "Kelly" Sharp (B) GRI at 626-1133 MILILAMI Cutlt Cookt Hooki Hawaii Realtor! 626-1133 Makaha Mauna olu Estates I'ii acs $208,000 2 golf courses, oenvw. Call wknds or wkdys aller 5pm 696-7430 SOO-WAHIAWA 7 Industrial 2one 6580 si lot. wi2 older houses Priced to Belli Henry M.

Arakaki (B) 637-1660. 621-6317 500-WAIALAE-KAHALA TO WAILUPE 3 2224 Aha Niu PI Immac 43 quiet. Ocn vw $663,500 (FS) lony Chan Hlty 735-3511 502 Townhouse For Sale 502-AIEA I2) FEE 2 lge bdrms, 1 bath, 2 prkg. Terms. $235,000.

Empress Realty 523-7736 502-EWA11 Asaumable wno down Desir able grnd II unit $139 .888 (FS) Realty Edge Inc 593 9999 Assume mortgage $161,000 pay qualilymg a closing lees ($3500) this nice 2'1 5 is yours! Courtyd, 2 prkg, ac. w'd. 4 yrs old 681 4568 No Down Possible! 2 bdrms from $159,000 (FS) Properties Unlimited East 732-5800 Palm Court Low interest FHA assumabie loan 2 msir'2'2 Seller flexible $177,000 (FS). Pgrs. 289 4248.

289 7678 502-HAWAJlKAI-POtmOCK3 BY APPT. Mariner Vlg III. 1062 Koiokolo St 3 bdrm IVi bath (FS) 395 7789 502-KANEOrlE-KAHALUU 4 Must sell' Only $159 900 Fee 2 bdrm Seller to assist buyer! CENTURY 21 LEWIS 233-7000 502-IVIIULANI TOWN 9 2 for 1 Only $132,052 (FS) Come buy today! Get an attrac tive roomy 2 bedroom, 1 bath townhome for the once ol a one bedroom apartment. Two parking stalls a many upgrades Only 2 years old. Ml S85878 City County restrictions apotv.

Talk lo: Cyn thia "Holly" Tamashiro (R) MILILAMI Calk Cookt Homn Hawaii Retiton 626-1133 502-NORTH SHORE (6) A 2 bdrm 2'A bath (FS) 2 yr old. 1048 sq ft. Reinhardt Healty 949-2011 502-PEARL CITY 12) Walau Garden Kai 31 '2 end unit (I) $124 900 Hoyal Ha waiian Prop. Inc. 941 bill 502-WAIPAHU 10) PULUA: 1t EXCL LOCATION.

HI $149,000 RE Al TY PARTNERS. INC. 842 0900 504 Condos. Apts. For saie 504-DIAMONO HEAD 2 Cc4onv Surf rarefy avail, dbl.

aol t795 000: studio $225,000 (L FA). 1t life eslate $475,000 Sans Souci 11 $325,000 2'2 $495,000 remodeled: Castle Surf 32 PH ore-foreclosure $535000 (L-FA) 593-1800 tynn Ada (R) Ainalant Prop 5O4-0OWNTOWNl) One Archer Lane Fee Simple 1 2 bdrms From $.375,000 SALES CENTER OPED DAILY 11-4 PM or BY APPT featuring a umaue model kitchen batnroom. 560 No. Nimrtz Hwy 118 Gentry Pacific Owign Ctf Ph: 522-0200 The Prudential Lxatiofii Inc Only $148 7 50 2 2 Save Muse as res ous IL) Kruoenr investors Choice Realty 945 2444 504-HAWAII (BIG ISLAND) HILO TERRACE 2 bdrm (L) 6U0U down fta, $875mo 8 mt 373-4066 504-KAHALA 3) REGENCY AT KAHALA 4340 PAHOA AVE New Pnce $640.00 (12A) 3 bdrm2 bath Great view New Price $500,00 (7C) 2 bdrm2 halh. ocnview Convenient loc -Kahala Shopping CTR.

(LFA) Fred lha (H) 7356500 Crystal Network Realty, mc 504-KAILUA 4) Pride ot ownership can be yours this 22 garden unit w'laner in breezy location. Close to beach, shop g. bus line $163 500 (I Coldwell Banker Par ilic Prop 261 4636 STOP HF Nl ING1 Own this 11 1 prkg pod NO DOWN I OH VAi $125 000 (FS) lTICIBOUflV R.TV, inc. ym ph 869-6868 BUYIIj OR SELLING Classified gets the job done for you. 521-9111.

PETS CENTRAL Importers ol quality registered purebred puppies tor tna Hawaiian Islands. CALL OUR NEW INFORMATION HOTLINE 845-6713 (24 hrs a dav) For the latest breeds available UKC Bulldog bnndlewhl, 7 mos very cute inamp tine $2500obo 621-37 12531 -1B65 61 2-Pet Services Supplies Bird cage, lika new, Antmal tnvironmeni urana, oeop, 2Z long, 30' tall on coasters, overall hi 58. wseal Quard apron CRICKETS (1500) S5 for 60 Ufve your cnameieona a rrogft ine tJtoi nuirnion! coe-of io DOG training, private, Kahala Hawnn KaiKailuaWaikele, yrs ol top winners PETS DISCOUNT NOW OPEN AT HAWAII KAI TOWN CtN- TEHI 10-7 DAILY. 395-0448 KCKXr.C.1 655 Bicycle Sales and Services Boat Sales and Services Pools Spas Sporting Goods Water Sports Yacht Sales and Services Pre-peymenl required 655-Blcydes-SalesServlce FUJIYAMA 26' Men's blk 18 spd mtn bike. Shimano gears.

Excl. 1st $140 takes. 945 2311 MOUNTAIN BIKE (adult), hard ly used, ime new cono, many extras ti renders, tiles, etc Cost over $600, yours lor only $350. 845 7306 660-Boatt Sales Service BOATSLIPS prime location at the Ala wai Yacni MarDor. Call Jack at 955-8160 Capt Course Jan 22 Feb 2296 Radar Course Jan 22 2696 MARI1IME LIC C1H 836-0352 Electronic small boat, gift $6.

Start. KEMS 521-0902 OUTBOARDS 4 hp. 40 hp. 55 hp; hp. 100 np; us np, is hp 834 7771; pgr 846 6530 SEA-DOO YAMAHA '96 are here' South Seas 836 1144 DYNOS INFLATABLE, like- new 15hp Evinrude, $1700 OBO.

734 7028 12' fiberform game lisher 9 9 bvmrude a. trailer. Hegistereo ready 12UU 261 BJU1 14" BAYLINER. Hull, 70 HP Johnson, Galvanized Escort Trsiler $3500 422-4899 14' LONG, TRI HULL WTRAIL- ER. NEEDS MOTOR $1000 6710364 AFTEH 5 PM 15' BOAT W65 MERC.

COt TROLS, TRAILER. $2500 OBO. 259-7294 before 8pm IS' Fiberform w70ho Evinrude. many extras, ureal risnotve boat. W2UUODO OJO 300 16' HOBIE CAT wtrailer, $1750 cash.

Myriam 1-808-326-2676 17'" McKee craft. 60 hp John son, shoreline trailer, used once, $7000ofr. 239 8692 18' YAMAHA Tn-Hull, 70 HP chrys wtrailer. Good cond. Pager 231-0545.

19' NACRA 57 Catamaran wl trailer beach wheels. Excl beach can $3000 261-5519 22' Force, flybridge, 210 Cummins, anve M.ouur OBO. 689 4212. pgr 569 6988 23' Aliikai. stripped hull, cub, trailer $3800obolrade smaller (13'-15) 1 808-889 5277 24' JACKPOT, DIESEL, MANY EXTRAS, GREAT SET-UP $25,000.

484 5330 MIKE 28' RANGER, LOADED. CLEAN. MUST SEE. ALA WAI 616 521-4298 42' LOA, '35 Cutter rig, wood, diesel, alum spars, SB rig, Dacron sails. Must sell! Lvg isle.

Best offer 581 0124 pgr 55' Cabin Cruiser twin 671 with aly8on trans. Running cond, $15,000 286 8223 lor into. '79 30' Scarab CC, Twin 200 Mercury OB Trailer. 1st $22,000 takes it. 623 5765 680-Sporting Goods ARMORY will beat anyone prices Hawaii In-store specials 1000 guns.

591 1500 Credit Cards OK Beneli S90 shot guns here now New law-last chance to buy semi-auto Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols. ARs. Ml etc here dlr Self Defense Guns 955-4523 Nordlcpower Muscle Machine Like new, hardly used wat tachmenl. $450obo 488-9615 PROFORM Cross Walk, Dual Motion Cross Trainer. Purchased 494 Excl cond.

$400 677-9774 Lv Msg Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 Mag. very gooa $275. 538 5696 eves. SOLOFLEX All attachments. Good cond.

S500 or Dest offer. Call 949-7120 685-Water Sports AAA CASH for SURFBOARD BoogieSellRent. Waikiki 419 Nahua St. Planet Surf 926-2060 Long Brd 9' Moments thruster 3jo, otraignt up wa. iviei al detect $500 545-5847 LONGBOARDS 9' $275, 9'2" $375, 10' $450.

OBO. 988-3273 Scrambler $500 Scupper kay ak $650 or $1000 lor both. 2 Windsurfers $600 395-3023 SEA-DOO YAMAHA 96 are here! South Seas 836-1144 9' 2" lonaboard 7 mo. old, shaped by Tom Parrtsh, rare quality, 45U. jwhiojo 701 -703 -705 -722 -724 -726-728-729-731-732-734 -736-741- 743-746-755- 760- 761- 763 -771- AirlineTravel Antiques Art Appliances Auctions Baby Items Building Supplies CB RadiosAccs.

Collectibles Computers Craft Fairs Electronic Equipment Furniture Garage Lanai Sales GardenPlants JewelryClothing Machinery and Equipment Miscellaneous Items Miscellaneous Items Wanted Musical Instruments Photography Services and Supplies Restaurant and Bar 774 Supplies 782 Sewing Needs 786 Stamps 4 Coins 790 StoreOffice Equipment Pre-paymem requmd hkaitlMlSMi I 500-AIEA (12) Back on the Market Choice Clean, cool 3 bdrrrr. 15 bath home on bus line Newer kitchen Call today lor showing $337,500 (fS) Ml 84975 Ho-land N. Kuroda (HA) 526 8721 Kumai Realty. Inc. 488 0771 500-AINA HAINA TO KUUOUOU 31 THE POiNIt at Hawan I oe Ridge.

(FS) tola $340,000. Hawaii Loa Healty 526 0611 500-EyA11 New ListingBest Price $275,000 (FS) $7,500 Closing Credit Very well maintained 42 5 home with enclosed yard, ga rage, sprinklers more Need a quick sale bring in all oltersl Susie Msha Turner (R) CRS, GRI at 626-1 2444576-1176 DP. Ml SHb811 MILILANI Cutlc Cooke Homn Hawaii Rtalton 626-1133 Oceanfront Remodeled (FS) 3 br 2 ba Ewa Beach house Dwiqht Hayes (RA) 623 2686 Veterans Realty Inc 625 1991 50O-HAWAIIBIGISLAND AINALOA 15 000 St tot, Pearl SI. Elec. $12,900 cash or $13 900 terms $1500 dn.

A $250mo 1 (808) 959-4007 Kaloko 1 ac tee eslale w'4000 si new home $289,000 Tom Schmidt Hoaitors asa-soio, Kona 1808 329 3124 Ocnviaw lots 45 mins to Hito lerms uasn ouuu Paved rd, elec. ph line, trees, vegplation KSV Ltd 942 1 101 Tropical Kona 5 ac vw lot Pvt Owner tin, terms nego $160K All or Vt 922 8080 7FRO nown $200 mo -4 yn you own (f S) Puna lot lec phone $8886 I 808 9826133 500-KAWAJI (CAJ-PORTLOCK AA Luxury ocnfmt home, near 1 -tt Fee SectiKJed 4 pvt Sunrise sunset views. Call few pivate snowing CUL-Dfc-SAC. 4 2. toe 10.848 if tFS).

veagie gdn fruit trees. S445 000 otter. 395-5763 500-K AH ALA (3) Oceanfront estates on Kahala Ave ovei I acre ea (FS) Patricia Choi RHy Inc 734-7711 TROPICAL SETTING Lodged on a 10,000 SF level lot, this 615 Elepaio Street Kahala home has 3,576 SF of living space, overlooking swimming pool surrounded w'lush foliage. S2 000 000 (FS). Setsuko Ina-mme (Rl MITSUI REAL ESTATE SALES HAWAII LTD.

500-KAILUA 14) AA 2 homes on Iqe lot 7-4 3-'1. Encl. yd. $479,000. Close to schools shopping (t-S) mis 75808 VIP Investments 734 0277.

395 5250 Beautiful 3 bdim kill 4 2 8uesl qrtrs Quiet solar ENTIIRY 21 LEWIS 233 7000 MAUNAWILI double lot. lee simple, great building site' Mountain view. Executive neighborhood $450,000 Fiances Britten (R) 261 2229 WADE. REALTORS 263 3313 Selksr financing available. hdrm Kamalu Park Fee CENTURY 21 LEWIS 233 7000 SCO-KANE0HE-KAHALUU4 Assumst payments Executive home Mm ot closino cost on Sherlock Homes Rlty254 2770 Goroeoua 3 t.

granite kitchen. hardwood nrs. pvt tjerow appraisal (FS) $309,500 t. Systems 261-6000 596-0111 MOTIVATED Seder low down. newer 3 2.

$258 500'otfet (FSI Oebra Co 5996744 SOO-KAPOLEipil Move to tre Future 91 1 142 Lanahoi Street Brand New 3 bdrm "Hawaiian Mediterranean styte Lot 42 $286,500 (S) 3 courtesy. Lisa AKana (HA) et 315, 839 7446 Marcus Associates, Inc. 500-KAUAI Ouples Must Sell Two full 2 rxtrm urn's $185K Make otter 526 0458. 1808 822 3356 POIPU vVdikomo Stream Villas 1 1 Bonus $2000 to Agent Liriue 2 hms on 1 lot. Okoli 4 A-ssoc Hlly Inc 1 808 245 7370 S00-KUALOA-KAHUKUJ5) redwood 32.

quiet st beach $249 000 (IS) f-i-5Mi-r Pfooerties 2 19 39b 1 CtEAJFRONT i -iJ-nl 2 BATH $199 750 (t uor AN (B) 293 8083 "JW.XAXIL011 UmHT wiiH.tH.iy: 2 New Ptush Mull see' vl 84io9. Vut --t 5040 I ieM, vim r-sii? ir vu, Iff -W LnlwM Htu eK': I WiVSlfiH WAJ' M7Jti UjiI1 I' fM XXMJS txHH on ft1. t( h'1 fjhfr HvtflUtiH vw. 4 'tfjy fTKjS8 iv waitiit jjjr garden, io.cir tofjit' trtrirj room, tiititM 5 ftaftitem Just it," fi 'i v'tr(ji all the vyi i A Unrje-('cpd' '-ail I ranees (M tib 1717. VJiH CENTER t'tfyft a-rvny from thm love-y 4 flrff, fmlh lmtly home df-ifl nrid fttrwl Now iist t'M VJ (I ') LhN Haymond (vty.tttimin (P) or Rotwwt Ahw.

IM) OHl at bb 1133 Ml W947 MILILAMI Castle 4 Csokr Hnrnn Hawaii Itaittn 62n-1133 DON'T WAIT til the last minute to call in your ad! CALL EARLY! So we can give you the best possible service CLASSIFIED 521-9111 EWTfl CLASSIFIED It's the dynamic, up to (laii marketplace that makes shopping both exerting Simple 470-Offices MO. KING Pioneer End Plaa Tcttma neuol. 2MB iuoij si, sc, carrwtsacnrkg 955 7377 OFFICE SUITES wSEHVICE. Secly pnone answeimy, FAX, conference rooms. Waterfront Klaa sec PEARL CITY NEWIUWN RaanumBnu.

aqft Prkg Mttaiau Pokai Bay Shopping Or ole retail spaces iuo iu Irom 8' si Net B4 1-7400 WAIKIKI HOH L. KuhK) Ave Ground II a.uuu si, piw CRC 922 2803 WeiklklKuhio 2067 improved wpartitioned rms i o'i gross hivij wiiy 1---' IN PRIME LUCA I IUm PH 923-1191 WAIKIKI i Ar AiAi- lOO 9 lu i i A carpet included, ready lo (UHRTUi HTH Property Manogamant WAIMANU SI 930' in a sec tree sldg bwg Ijieai puce Commercial Heal state nves otri-oo'c WAIPAHU GOOD LOCA1ION 350 SI rL $3 1 (WO. 486 9455 WARD AVE. 304 SF GROSS HtNI Ut: It KIMUHA Rt ALTY 593 9225 475-Buslness 4 Industrial aKfl dlllH Ol CWHSt 1 25 Nt I Roberta Brown (R) 395-8480 KALAKAUA fenced pi kg lot 17 000 si Avail, now Ub(j Really 942-1661; 524-0S80 Kalihl Valley 1 1 acres for plant nurseryicabinS'kenneiS'norse repair'etc Best otto '845 2820. 734 0891 REDUCED RENT Free stand lug nr uwuiwii w.

i-w 6 332' ofc. prkq. Commercial -i r-. I K-Jl Ofll? Mtii csmic jvi.li i. rt t.

VEGETABLE I up lo 18 1 1 yr lease Militant area lease ryiiiiiani pgr 574 7638 696 8130, WAIPAHU Body 4 paint shop wipainl booth, trame macnine welder, bUUU sq ouu-f-la Leokane St 676-1486 480-Warehouses A 1 Central Park 900 5f n-gn cube. Dvl lav ofc. race est location 39M6r Aa aioport 945. "79 1W5 '891 2040 304' a 9000. 12000 or 54VO SF Etce.wnt paiking 3 IC year fease terf tV.vOS rftTY CCKO 532 '932 S0F0S REALTY CORP.

AAA A 5 JC NNi -3i LX3-2 000 5- Ase with RAtHis'-ee jfrrT to 2928 jefvoc $s3J7 000 ee slandrnq Pt-ii. C'T600sf vhse 5Ai-T LA acre yard or su? neaf Costco tv. ST whS6, dcb COMVFROAL 521-1200 AM8ARD Co. 521 2223 aawa warehouse 839. 1628.

239 5356 lo 14.759 f. CAnqham 450. 675. 900 whse CENTRAL PARK, HALAWA Street Ironlage 6237 mcl. improved A'C office 2000 s.f.

Aloha Homes 94143711 HALAWA Bus Park 1640 hi cube w'rollup from 75 net rjonao Hemais KAILUA 525 sf fir space 350 ollice space prkg storage. MVHII I'l'mJ i-" m. KALIHIHART ST 1655 sf 85 per si NNN Prkg iW5l dp. Jeffco Realty 847 0949 KALIHI School St 638 sq ft ol lice at 295 sq ft prkg, 1 yr Savio Reafty Betlei Homes Gardens 942-9477 .269 KALIHI 3123 sf auto body shop paint booth Avail now1 Can Gien at WS-'Tn KOAPAKA 51 5928 St whse, 0 0C '5 i2C eay 596-2066 MAPUNAPUMA 2COC. 4000.

ijj oCCO. 12 000 at 70 "jn 4 Co tne 832-00 '0 PRIME Ka-aao concreie A storaoe 'Z XC st avail IV. Sjsriisi now i3rceTS fesS.CC 53' 3'59 mii'C siWs.f ifXtj 130 TO i.f d'JC Sj'JI Burnet Ml oU'lfHJil'ltHUltf fl(K rTiMTfli-Ifli-. "Mtil'KC. hti ki'- WuLrW biJbiitc-l'i dltf 451 MSI for If tc Niit I f- tftfil'ittt'Xi ft lAFbated '1 ftY tfHi fcfl.

riiiJ.al Mi-yi ff mfi tf'Uafition. IO f)uk av prtf ri iHfiiittiirjri or dt ctntnfiminxi amtiiiil fttahift mtAPit f.hil-(Jin ij(ifltr ti tc a of 1H hywtfj with paiffnlft Of im f.ufttKii(is, pfflifajtil sVirfYlftn Htld iniiHs hjiaji4 cms tody of cntld'en uinint Mi Thin nAwtipapAf ritl Out aixopt any tvffltintg tor fal Witate whtrn id vio latum ol tlm Ihw Our tmUt ait hAietiy Irrfrrmd ttiat all dwll advediewd tn-ft ni-wtaiier ae avad atie of i an iual op portunity tiasift complain of 'imcnmt-ntn r.aJ MltO To. r.oet 1 HflObtJtf S-'t'r' Totl tre le'o phona) numhet lor the hranng impaired Ift 1 -800-327 FIGHTING CHICKENS FOR SALE $85 $100. 1 808 9W6 6009. FILLV 6 months $800ofler, 3l yr paint gelding 15'1 hands.

13200oftBr. 694906 eves. GORGEOUS Warmbloodthor-oughbred filly, will mature 17h. Liver chestnut wwhite socks $2700 236-4262 WESTERN SADDLE wStand," Exd Cond, $350. 923-6627 yrs 16 old Reu.

Quarter. Mare hands $2500otfer. Ph. 847-5440 610-Pets for Sale To Find Man Deals Priced Under $500, See Our New 601-BARGAIN BOX! A adorable AKC Chinese Crested Powdor Puff female, 7 moa oki, $300 261 6010 A CHRISTMAS SALE AKC Toy Poodle Cinnamon Chow Chow Australian Shepherds German Shepherds Blue Pit Bull Shih Tzu Puppies starting at $99 KEN'S PET SHOP Ph: 235-7733 A PAPIILON PUPPY (1) 8 Wk, Christmas Delivery Tiny, Elegant. Friendly! $750 Pgr 289-7770 AA adorable RetrieverHeeler puppy, tlufty.

black female, 2nd shots $150 pgr 5690167 ABOUT THE CUTEST PUP1 TOY FOXPAPILLON $375 262-1902 ADBA Pit bull pups, Gr Ch. blue line, 2 fern, 2nd shot, wormed $950OBO 677-7213 ADORABLE AKC toy poodle pup, tiny snowball, top quality $BS0 373-3838 ADORABLE co*ckerspaniel looking for loving home, 9 wks old, butt, male, purebred, no papers. S300obo. 536-9128 Adorable fluffy Pomeranian Spitz Christmas Pup, 7 wks. snots Adorable JACK RUSSELL Terrier, wiresmooth, great disposition.

$500. 677-6437 ADORABLE Pug male, 11 wks. lawn, Shots, $MU. Z35-B142 AKC. Avail Xmas.

Black Mini Poodle male, 7 weeks, $750 terms. Champion sire Serious inquiries 488 4774. 595 4046 AKC BASENJI PUPS (4) $4yyt-A. UHAMr tilUUU- LINES. 1 808 966-7345 AKC Black Chocolate Labrador pups (2) Great Xmas gilt' 261-1515 AKC black Labs 3 available 1124 $600 each 499-1976 AKC British Bull Pups.

6 fe males. 6 weeks, 1st snots. Champ blood 488-2286 AKC Bull Terrier Pups wpa- oerssnots (2) saoo ea. nego tiable 299-1131. 689-0313 eve AKC co*cker Spaniel puppies bun, 1 male, 1 lemale, lail cropped.

$650, 247 5560 AKC Dalmatians 5 pups, hold for Xmas. Champ lines, very cute S4U0OBO 833 3257 AKC Dalmalion Pups. Wonder ful xmas girts 4 (o) xxjuea 261 5275. 262 64! AKC ENG. co*ckER SPANIEL pups (2), $550ea, 262-2642 AKC German Shepherd Pup, Champ line.

1 1 weeks, snots, 1 fat female. $500. 625 1767 AKC German Shepherd Pup, Lge. Champion, ot-A line, training incl. $650.

3i)5 651B AKC German Shepherd pups ij) oe. Champion A. kne. ,550 ea. PGR 569 0167 AKC Golden Retriever te male.

8 wk $650; champ line 1 female, 9 mos $500 833-3304 AKC Golden Retriever pups. bred in South Kona, will deliv er. $500 ea. 1-808 326-8631 AKC LHASA APSO. MALE, 8 WEEKS.

$600. 261 2314 AKC Mini Schnauzers $600 ea 2 females, 1 male. Dale. 422-7344 (H); 449-5081 (W) AKC MINIA1URE PINSCHEHS. 1 male.

1 lemale, 12 wks. $550. shots incl 488-0132 AKC Papillon female, 6 mos, white ana rea. nouseoroken. $600obo.

845 4612 after 4pm AKC Pomeranian 1 female, 1 ma white. 6 weeks. PETS UNLIMITED, 841-5234 AKC POMERANIAN PUPPY adorable. 1st shot, $700. 293 9356 7 wks, AKC POMERANIANS.

MALES, Bl TAN. BORN OCT 16 $500 EA 624 1042 AKC registered Shar pet pup pies chocolate, apricot $800 ea. 1 (808) 572 0171 AKC Rottweiler pups, femaleB. 6 wks champion lines, ige. heads $700 $800.

672 555! AKC Rottweiler Pups German imports (b) top winning local line $1000 ea. 732 4162 AKC Stlkv Terriers. Quality pup pies, 6 wks, tvir-, tjj ouu- $600 1-808-BB9-0751 AKC Tov Poodle, tee white, very am male, champion sired 5ou. b-ooto AKC Weimaraner. Female 10 Weeks.

Too Champion Pedigree $1000 Ph. 262 0994 AKC Yorkie 3ft mo old male adorable well behaved, all shots, $700obo 239 1191 BABY ECLECTUS $695. Mo- luccan $995 Meyer S3UU. Conure $150. 239 9573 BOXER PUPS AKC REG SHOIS AVAIL XMAS.

I AILS CROPPED. JOHN 1-808-248-7354 BOXER PUPS 2 male. 1 lemale, 6 wks, $300 $350. 695 9009 BUNNIES DWAHI CHRIST MAS SPECIAL. $15ea.

Black, White or Brown. 531 bJ52 CFA Himalayan kitten, wpapers, top line, $500. iwmi CFA PERSIAN KITTENS 2 RED MALES, 7 WKS OLU $225 EA 6'B-yblU CFA PERSIAN KITTENS (4Vi mos 1 male, 1 lemaie, $200ea. 947-4681 CHIHUAHUA CUTE 7 WKS, ALL SHOIS ANU WUHMtU. $225 638-5383 LV MMU.

CHIHUAHUA, 7 wks. old, brown, $350. Ph. 625-6136 CHOCOLATE LABRADORS 121 mate, shots 45U ea. wks 637-4073; 299-6083 msg co*ckstlels wht faced $60; wht laced pearl 3bO.

ammo. iuu, yel faced 5oou DALMATIANS AKC Regstd Adorable, Avail now! $600. 2 litters avail 624-7144 DISCUS I ISH VARIOUS AVAIL. 50 FISH. $6 $10 EA 672 8477 EVES EXOTIC KITTENS Cute 4 cud dly White bicolor $200 White $250 842 1779 FREE adult female cat.

indoor, cteclawed, needs new patient masterhome mi.ki FREE to lovino. homes 2 cats, 2 rabbitscages Sweet loving pets, owner allergic, 949 0696 FREE 2 adorable cool cats, solid 1 gray, 1 neutered shots, healthy 544 1141 day Ootden Retriever pure bred. Mk shots, no oaoers PETS UNLIMITED, 841 5234 Jack Russell Terrier Pups (3) very smartpapers $600 $800. Witt how tor xmas JACKSON Chameleons breed ma Datr. tae caqe.

fulty plant ed. complete $200 263-0216 KITTENS- 8 FREE! MUST SPAY NEUTER. EWA BEACH, 683-3429 Lovable GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS. 3 females. 2 males.

7 wks old $175 ea 682 4672 MALTESE MALE PUPPY MOS OLD, WELL TRAINED, $500 949 2787. 676 2216 Mised Shepheid'Schipperke, blk male. 1 1 mos very olav- Int. wdog hse $150 499-1659 PIGEONS- HOMING. 25 $5U 734 1053 Purebred German Shepherd pups.

Champ kne, (4) $385 ea. Grace 55-4679. 641 7944 For Rent Chinatown clean rooms horn LI. K. A E5SVENINT Nr town, bull Clean ui 7 roOPODSLINE.

UTILS. $350 UtKUjll. Kapatmlu furn. utile, use ol kitcti inci ni uu, 739 5456 MAKIKI pvl linn ml Miain fm 3'W. mi- lpuo incl 538 3796 McCullyAluaroba $1 10 up IKJ( wk "'u Suburban Mgml IMMtl NUUANU VMCA lurn rms.

dai ly rale vvmy uy avail 1 ran nwy p.lame ra School SI bus. Dfdu turn col; Jtki IMO mil Pearl Ciy mm rent. 400 10 frtbO utils noi iik-i Nice secluded aiea 67b-OUJJ PEARL CITY 5 mis SOOOea Wanhdiy, snare nin-ntm ft twin im" Waialua 3 inm avail no nr Oup 637 0929 PU' 58 6227 469-Stores AAA AVAII AHI AlAMOANA 3000 7000' nk H.0 Wai Marl anchored een- ler lo be bum, iiiAJ iu.uuu line A nad sites iaii i UK1 ranlm nl town rvwu KAIIHI 11164 1333 NKilig St KAPAHUIUAvr lDr pumo Street front Kauai Goconui wki i-i KIInkSS SHOP Waiakoloa IbOO' ruiail tauHil immed AXAINA 10 673 restaurant on f-ront St MIULANI 26 619' in shop ctr MIL HANI SHOPPING CENTER- 2b 581' space Pf AHI CITY 2140 anchored ctr WAIPAHU TOWN CtNILH- prime retail aW FRIEDLANDER.INC 524-2666 ruiklATnuN mound II phime irial tar travel agency CHC 5J1-I6at it iUii A Center 4224 Waialae Ave 1378 sq It AA Mnml S.3-42:tt KAIMUKI 4000 tree standing tNCHANltD lAKtS 1076 fftstauranl. no premKim I 1 Services 523-0969 KAIMUKI 6J2 sa I' Pl'Wt COHNt Owner Joseph Leonairto Co 735 123 KaWM Kmu St OiiHind Hi loeal tor restaurant. reta4 ole Lum (Bi a34e MCCULLY Slxi.itng Ctr cjcxl liy st Hni nc incj 11 1CO Hea f-77 Scrxvi St i.vue 4Jsl bdt'in oi4 Pm i T.v Par City Mau C'i sue or i cv xiev 2-e4 s4 Fvt tiri'T" gAs 'icvr i'eo WAiKlKt kjo Cts.i.

caces oo.a'eij icra CflC' ulillnr10 fdi ncj l. dnjrirvi? V'ijij -fi-T- tC RJSi'. "XC "t'W CCN XC 4 oc 5C jross JOyWirC1''R- "yi6 5f -iuCieeisir ti 0m.X a-. ddg nour Mr-' Xcm jS? xJ floor A rJ'r ground fl fc.v' rice A rV omund ft Arts Bidg 3 g'oss prkg 5395363' St 55 tvWIA 2TO 430 office Ai0t A-V-634' 2525' 'Aj1 shop, ctr, 124' 4oi 'eni is neg MjijAML' 5N 970' PEfL OTY-1510' unproved ofc busy center. varN BidQ435 I305'.

prkg AAA XI Bank ol Hawaii various sires available VvAiKiKI -560 ole great location AAikiKI Business Plaia-prime oc 9548 full floor WAiPAHU 2032' with great parking $2 per I. WAIPAHU Bank of America bldq various offices a. 0 MONROE 524-2666 AAA oIIh.iis $'r. spaces 195 'At hh-'i y', near AIPORT i. otfice yy.

yy. K. Aim Moana 4t si A V. Al Mom I'jt j.nl Ala Mom 'SS. fJIH Jj- t- CxMI-ilwv iw.

uuwr swi- tA-r ot-v aV( Cad "tHiV ntfi (tff, bU- flct- A'irti -if" CENTUftf 'J. tmrrtjiw, HW. tjmrtt'f DOLE OK Wi', r-'M Downtown rvy iju, "fj rSfp V-1 Hlrfa or- Wit' om Iwt Mrtwfi ifX nr I itwii Hms n' h'tfiTiri1 Mir.w.f DOWNTOWN 1 iw 1,1 fn ft! PH Silt' A W'v Downtown 548 sfl't 1 6 l.fH fl 6 I I ri-rtli loin rno lu irny 1 V. 5'. Oownlown tttt t'J, ymi' lix; (ifiwfri.5 't ''Vj tmtiun AA i'j CtlM tUilrt (0 jt' Ynrt -orfifj(i H' INTER3TAT TiiTV (t Liiriiffi unit 'ti 'I tlUJ )Vr4ll lift'cH Ka.lua (tiftimrMKl 'J 'fi'' .1 uiuuiw II' t.

I jl Mlfl I iflTl 1'" KAIMUKI fi.u''i.Aj.7 newly (jjUfitwd HfMri AC titjtun KAIMljKIKrl Kn(7 1 Avp Fl, Avl rxrw $Vj KAKAAKOAT 441, 4tv, Ht9. 0M 14 iy, WAtMAiNU A.iSOO 'l' Kahaatio tl'dX) liU iVihg pvt rtltfmt Cirnrrw.iiBi FsUli- Sim Irw. VI HHIi' KaliM Hi) Hj b-'O ft I. ti prkg A'f, Vtl Mftnn()fmfint H4H i iHH KanoohO I ip.) Ot. 1 nfi A rarpfil set: Mfhind M.itt $1 NMN IM'14M Kapahulu st ll IN.IM cntp't, NNN Ihm hiNi LA Mil Atnve Hank of Hnwwt (ftrt otn to rMnntitionn HJO ft I iMftS'jti HTH Property Manogamant KING I AUMOKtl I 2fi7 and NNN Nar-onal Moitcjsqe 51lMfifl Makikl 315 3-0 si I 80 tM 1557 st $2 75 1 CAM Valco Leasing Co 942 601 -Bargain Box A Cultured PEARL NECKLACE from Japan, never used Cost $950, sell $250 591 0923 A IBM 286 complete with moni tor, sortware ana punier, $295, warr 254 4883 A ShBrper Image heallhnder $250 Pioneer 5 CD I aser disk player $250 955 1199 A 2B6 LAPTOP $400 DUAL FLOPPY 8086 LAPTOP (NO HD) $100 254-4883 VA '70 Ford Ranchero PU, needs reg.

some body work 351, runs line $300 737-3442 AA '83 Nissan Pulsar Soorta car, sunrool, expired reg'n. Huns good, $450 737-3442 ADORABLE miniature pincherfox terrier, tiny male, 5' wks, $300 668-1407 MR JOHDAN BASKE 1BAI SNEAKFRS WANTED. TOP PAID PH 261 8355 ALL ELEC. HOSPITAL BED, Strong motor, very clesn xcl cond $385 Ph 734 5665 ALOHA BOWL on Xmas Day i iiceis iueacn uosls $157ea at game 288 8027 pgr AUDIOVOX auto CD player a mnnity speakers JsHXJ; CHIB $50 pgr 530-8535, Gary AUTOCAD COMPUTER 386 6MB. ARCH.

PROJECT MGT SOF TWAHF $500 254-4883 Baby cub $100. playpen $100. sewing macnine iuu. sears exerciser $100 735-2409 BATHTUBS unused 30 x5' cast iron in crates, right hand 678 8172, 537-0050 BEAUTIFUL Mahogany tenor 8 string uke wcase VJuu. Tanqi 922 2476 10am 9pm BEAUTIFUL Mahogany tenor ukes tg, 4 strings wcas-es.

$200 $225. 922 2476 Beautiful mas gift, Noutake 1U pc oinnerwsre selling extra serving pes. Nevet used paid $650, sell $325. 455 1888 BED-King, water dresser, $400; TVstereo stand 5'iU, picnic tables 6 chairs $50. 373-3177 BINOCULARS 10x50 wcase.

mint $55. Protection screen 40x40 wtnpod ws. bjj BIRD CAGE Macaw, approx. 2'x4', $175. Ph.

261-1139 BIRD CAGES (3) $60ea. so gal. Aquarium $du. Pgr 569-5490. Callaway goll stand bag $50, loprusni rice cooker, tu cups, unused $65 299-7894 Roller (6).

$50each. Ph. 735-2409 Cat Trax beach wlteels lor 16' to 21' catamarans. Never used $400. 261 5519 CERAMIC Elephants 15 lbs ea 2 tor $195 SS kntves wwood handles, mini $75 833 2203 CLASSIC 17' Wood Thistle Sailboat wTratler Needs Finish Work $450 261 5519 co*ckATOO-GOLFIN (White), $400 or with caqe $500 Offer Pgr 669-5490 COMPLETE PIONEER STEREO SYSTEM, EXCL COND.

$400 CALL 924-4085 COMPUTER GENUINE IBM, 286, 14" COLOR MONITOR $200 671-1555 COMPUTER GENUINE IBM, 386. 16" COLOR MONITOR $500 671 1555 Concert Mahogany uke. 4 ea. wcases $125 Must see. Tangi 922 2476 10am 9pm 701-AJrllneTravel A AAAAA BULLETINBOARD Private Party to Private Party BEST WAY TO BUY OR SELL TICKETSAWARDS 922-7888 Any day Ticket $320 RT: Ve- eas, Seattle, Kornana.

ru, AX. Good til 696 637 6566 DISCOUNT CERTIFICATES 50 OFF! UAAANWHATW. TA2434 Capener Co 955 0188 HAWAIIAN AIR (40) Inter Isle Coupons, no restrictions, exp 61596, $34 each 261 4977 LAX XMAS $199 RT Budget Holidays TA822 942-2171 RT LA $245, SF $265 Portland Sea, Vegas $319. Coast call Inter island $28 up 944-1964 14 Haw'n Interisland coupons. No restrictions.

Exp. 33196. $33ea. 294-3614 CellularDee 703-Antlques Art AAALOHA ANTIQUE New Sale 3 shops, clearance Mas sale 930 Maunakea Open Sundays ALDO LUONGO collection. 1 1 sengraph8 Iramed $22,000 firm 923 5450 CHRISTIAN R.

Lassen Mho 3x4 triple frame, signed. 16 of 300. Valued $3500. Asking $1800obo 1 808 579 8045 Former Isle Governor's Hutch $3000Obo Japanese tea kettle, other art objects 395 1904 sew' Hansen Shautz Antiques. We buy sell.

Open daily. 2733 E. Manoa Rd 988-3437 705-Appliances To Find More Deals Priced Under $500, See Our New 601-BARGAIN BOXI A 1 APPLIANCE High Oualityf Low KND 2130-B King 842-1996 ADMIRAL washer diyer $315: Whirlpool hesyy duly washer $185. 671-1583 BARGAIN PRICES APPLIANCES. LIKE NEW USED PORTABLE REFRIG $79 DRY! MS From $99 APT.

30- RANGES From $195 WASHERS From $'95 APT SIZE STACK WASHERDRYER $349 BETTER HOME APPLIANCES 3470 Waialae Ave. 737 3055 Distributor Warehouse Sale TVs, Air etc. Floor models, scratch dents Freight damaged. 841-7400 Distributors Warehouse Out let. Relurbished freight damaged TV's, VCR computers.

Major brands. tow whse prices 848-2077 3 KIRBY. like new, all attach- ments. Must sell, leaving island. $350000.

531 7826. Heavy Duty Kenmore washer, Ige capacity $150: dryer $100; refng $250. 262-8226 KENMORE Being Almost new. slill under warr, $475. Must sac.

Moving 395-7986. REFRIG $105 Stack washer dryer $175 30 aal water heat er $95 Range $125 836 2283 Refrigerator $125 stove $145 washer $145 dryer $125. Ph 668-6659 WHIRLPOOL retria 20 cu $300. Frtgidaire stack washer auu. lan D1-136J 724-Baby Items Twin Stroller tnglesma.

Side stde or frontback, tthr cvrs, good cond $250 734-1315 BUY IT. Classified. It's the easy-to-ac-cess, information-packed marketplace visited regularly and successfully by all kinds of consumers. SELL IT. Classified It's the timely and time-saving resource that continually attracts buyers for all kinds ot items.

FIND IT. Classified It's the solution you're searching lor whether you're seeking a new career, a kitten, a new home or even a helper. CLASSIFIED ADS 521-9111 Little Tikes mini vsn $50 Party Little likes wssm dry. $35. 732 4581, 732 5884 MANNEQUINS (5) all metal with moveable oints tuuea 922 6600; pgr zai-ujia Micro, Panasonic $75.

slereo dual caas turnlbl equliz aa. stereo rack $20 MINI ACDC Generator weighs 10 lbs. 400 wans liu. 12 Volts $295 396 9221 MOPED 95 TOMOS, GOOD COND, INCL LOCK. 35U j4-rj? i MOSLER 5 DRAWER FILE CABINETSAFE $300.

455-1886 Panasonic stereo color moni lot $150. hi lihigh dof 4hd VCH 200; vhs IUU ZH9-0HU1 PIANO Kohler Spinel, good lor practice, incl bench heater, sdu. will oenver ojj iodsi Pool tblu 74x43 $125. gas pwr 13 cut oft saw 515U: chrome glasB card tble $40 261 8301 QUEEN orthopedic sleeper sofa (.150. solid oak dining table lbO -9WU4 RC Clod Sassv chassis, canti lever, ESP parts.

Duster tb(J, extras $350OHO 239-1006 RAINBOW CLASSIC Basket ball tickets (10) $20 each 545 3763. 844 0528 pgr Rerrlg Kenmore 21 cu It. $195 Microwave 5nb. 19 color IV wilh amlm $95 Ph 247-5708 SILVER DOLLAR Collection 1878 1925. All mint cond display.

1st $500 595-7456 SMALL FRIDGE $25. STU DENT DESK $20 TRUCK TOOL BOX $50. 395 5543 Step Bicycle machine $1000- bo ritack Homeworld dresser gents cheat $180 538 7354 Tool Chest, ttuck side box. $265OBO. RC car kit $50 6 cell bait, pack $15 641-2523 TOSHIBA VCR WITH REMOTE CON! HOL.

EXCL. COND $115 Ph 842-4199 TUBE SH HI OS phono, spkrs $300; NOS tubes 12 at 5ea, tester 175 638-9087 TYPEWRITER Electric Olym pia. excl cond, extra pnnt- wheel, $175. Ph. 456 4355 Unused water purifier, under counter reverse osmosis sys tem.

4 stages $300. 395 0288 Valve ttombone Olds wcombo case $350 French horn Conn single S150 947-4035 VINYL CHRS (4) COUCHES (4) AT 110 150 EACH AND A Ml 1 AL DESK 20 949-1210 Water Tank 1000 Gal. Fiberglass. Can Deliver. 696-7140 Wedgwood China Blk Floren tine (4) 5 pc place settings I ike new' wx) WEIGHT Machine, prior Mega Max 3001 Like new' 2SU or oiler Ph 395 3975 72 ELDORADO CONV'T ENG GOOD, NEEDS TRANS $200 671 2453 72 VW Bug wRolls Royce nose, great car ouu 922 6600, pgr 231 0315 S1 FORD COURIER 5 sod cyl Good tor parts $250best oiler Ph 39b 3bvr anytime '61 NISSAN 2807X.

5 SPD, AC. TINT WINDOWS NEEDS WOHK $3350bO 095-330B '81 Toyota Cressida 4 all power, runs great, some rust $400OBO. 474 5793 days. 736-fumiture To Find More Deals Priced Under $500, See Our New 601-BARGAIN BOXI A beaut. Iivina set 7 pc dining set 1 st $1450all Excl cona.

Avail inaiv. do aus A blk Ithr chr $300. leak comp, tbl $200: 3 blk Ithr chrs $30C ea; swivel chr $1 75; oak comp tbl $175, 942 0888; 737 4088 BEDS BEDS BEDS Single mattresses $29; queen mattresses $148; dbl beds $85 king beds $125. Come See Out dining taoies, rattan cnairs, so fas, dressers much morel BHA dba Kaimuki Bargain House 3470 Waialae Ave. 732 260b Beds twin $45.

full $75, queen $100. King S140: sofas 12U, dressers $50. 521 7099 dlr BEOS used sets Dhln tr $75 Oueens from $100, Kings trom isu oaii tor avaiianiiuy Mccallister beds 841-451 Calif Kinq Qn. chest diaw ers. nighlstand, desk, coffee tblBcouch Sacrifice 677-5707 Complete bdrm set.

white. queen, mattresses, trundle draws, chests $350 488-8897 CREAM sola loveseat, 7 mo old. $500: cream sofa $200 Both good cond 627-1367 CUSTOM KOAElegat Bullet lauie. 3Ux9tt saennce $2400obo. 456 8451 ELEGANT Marble Travertine coffee table, 45" sq.

New $1800. sell $800 261-8742 FUTON KOA COUCH Oueen siie, custom cover A firm pad Excl cond J1400 262 2689 Mike McCallister's New Beds. New Oueen, 2 pc $259 Same day delivery $25 732 7218 MOVING: antique dmtng rm set, entertainmeni ctr, nutcn. desk ft chair, misc 488-6409 MOVING SALE. BDRM SET.

TV, VCR, CHINA CABINET ft MORE. 569 7042 PGR. Moving Sale. Furn, TV household items. Ph.

735-1270 NEW beds $99. solaloveseat $599. Tutons $279; IVs 19' Color $80, etc 834 7173 dlr Partly Teak. Livmqrm set $500. bdrm set $400; uice maker S2b Uood cond, 61-U052 8AUDER Df SK $125 COUCH LOVESEAT $500.

MUST SEE. 949 7007 SOLID TEAK queen bed Irom Scan Design wserla matt. like new. $1800. 263 0465 743-GardenPlant Orchids Xmas Sale 100 Bloom ing Size Cattleyas $5ea.

Daily trom tf-o, can ojj 746-Jewelry Clothing A buyer ft seller ol ROLEX, DIAMONDS ft eslate lewelry oest prices, ob 4j air A una. 12 bag ties. 1 65ct 18K $.1900, leal design diam rmg iii ruct Vl AA LONGINI WATCH. LIKE NFW, ONLY $275 HFTAIL OVER $550 287 7698 PGR An Awesome Rolex collection 18k daydale. diamonds $8500 buyselllrade 943 0415 dlr ANNIVERSARY RING.

14K MARQUIS. APPRAISE $3690; SELL $2000 6724051 BEAUTIFUL 14K triple alrand diamond tennis bracelet, 129 diamondsapprox. 3 carats, $290u7obo 942-3939 BUY AT WHOLESALE PRICES' CERTIFIED DIAMOND SALE SAVE ROLEX SALE 18K. GIS Pres, 18K LDS Pres: SS GTS; SS LDS. MID 2 lone: MID 18K GIS 2 lone; IDS 2-tone: SS Sub.

2 lone Sub Carrier Chopard also avail Please call tor prices. 946-4X12 Dlr CASH FOR DIAMONDS Set or loose, large or small manulaclurer needs for Christmas Philip 924-7972 dk DESIGNER EUR COAT, black tullv lined, never worn. $35 000 Call today 523 7736 Diamond ring. 1 ct Appraised sibo. brilliant round cut.

cat or eye VS1 Best olr 252-4120 Oiamond 1 05 ct. appraised $8000. Brilliant, weddinq set, color H. VS2. $4750 626 1170 Emeralda direct Irom Miuo Mine Colombia Several Emer ald rings wdia t8Kplatinum Loose gems ot ail sizes cuttinest qualitygreen color Thomas Warner 539-6337 CHIANG MAI Thai Cotton material, 22 yds $160.

833-2203 Christmaa Bali items, Board bags $20-30ea backpacks $IOea. I tanks Rattan bags $t5ea. Fanny packs $5ea 4 ot ea 924-3728 CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS! Original Movie Posters $10up A Walk in the CloudBBatman Gone with the WmdETSpeed Pulp FictionJames Bond BeatlesStar WarsStar lrek ElvisDisneyAND MORE I All 847 1133 COMPLETE Weider home gym. Flex-110. up lo 220 lbs rubberband weight resistance $60 623 2228 CRIB, Bed.

Bumper, 4 sheets. Hume Used only 2 mos V123 all 922 6150; pgr 569 9348 Dining room table, conlempo rary, dik metar rrame wqiass top, unused $250 395 7528 DINING SET. dark wood. 7 pes Beige seat cushions Good qualily $500 537-4225 Display Easel 6' loldtng Irl- poa-4 position S45 tkke Hack-trunk, like new $35 289-5349 ELECTRIC WALKER, SEARS GOOD CONDITION $250. LEAVE MESSAGE 944-8875 ELEGANT Marble Travertine cube on casters, 26 sg New $700.

sell $300 261-8742 EXERCISE BIKE AMF WHITELY ERGOMETER, EXCL CONO. $50 235-4244 Futon $200. micro $75. 1st oven $50, hreadmkr $50. Sony CD $75 295-2353; 638-1161 Gaa stove.

Washer, elec. mow er, Tn-bike, $100 ea; elec. boat motor. $50; mag trak bike stand, $30 373-3177 GOLD PIECE ($10) PENDANT 14K liULU CHAIN. 1SI $500 595-7456 GOLF Clubs.

Gary Player, bag can. irons, wooos, putter, like new, $250. 395-0328 Green Jade 14K lady's hnc $100; protection screen 403C wlnpod $40 299-7894 GUITARS: 12 string Applause, string ovation, Fender acoustic, all $500. 926 6689 HANDYCAM. sm.

8mm BXZOOM wbatt, no charger, Excl cond $300. 641 0185 pgr Hobie 16: Hulls, frontreal crossbars8idebarstrampolne good cond. all $500 261 5519 HOLIDAY BARBIE. 95, hard to tind Hot Christmas item (5) $100 ea 531 5746 Int'l Scout Patts. Full liberglass top, liftgate, glass $200 Dana 44 front axle awj.

ut-DDiy Jeep Eaqle Aloha Bowl Tick- els. 12 seats, sideline, orsnge sec, $28eaobo. 844 0528 pg KAMAKA Uke 1970 like new. ust repairedrelimshed at factory VO Kayak 2 man, fiberglass, great tun $400 Dlx snorkeiina OuDt Cost $140 Sell $60 373 9428 KEAWE WOOD, $150cord (3). Can Deliver.

696-7140 KENMORE 18 CHEST FRI FZ ER. GOOD COND. $275OBO 456 8451 KOA colfee table, excl. cond $275offer. 456-8451 Little Tike Beauty Salon $45.

Double Easle $35. Small table chairs $20 671-3096 LIVINGROOM SET: 5 pc. white washed rattan, $500. 528-4617 726-Bulldlng Supplies BATHTUBS unused 30 "x5' cast iron in crates, right hand 678 8172, 537-0050 CABINETS 60 Of PLUS Merillat. Pacific CreBt, Hans sem Local stock Dlr 254-3510 MAPLE FLOORING 516 12 12, 3) $2 25 SANDERS 1211 Kona596 2303 MARBLE 12x12 deep green tile, -Vn thick, louu st.

avail $4sf. Call 622-201 1 MASTER CARPENTER will do remodel work in exchange for rent, rets. 263-3497 Used. Metal roofing panels 28' 2U length, ouii. approxi mately 55.000 sf available, good snape twi-uyoz 729-Collectlbles BEATLES "The Collection- Original master recordings.

Numbered LPs. 988 82 BEATLES 1ST ALBUM! "MEET THE $400. 396-6221 Classical 4 Jazz LPs Wanted 50 60 only Top paid guaranteed ttue 04-0104 COLLECTORS BARBIE 1995 HOIIDAY EDITION. 20 AVAIL $75ea 627 0278 FRAN Tarkenton Jan 27 The Greatest Moment, Sears, Ala Moana. 591 1076.

947 0421 HERALD EXAMINIHLOS ANGELES. LAST ISSUE, MINT, $500. 396 6221 731-Computers AA Great Xmas Idea. Unlimited INTERNET as low as $15mo. 836-1343 Pacilic Onramp Inc BUY SELL USED COMPUTER EQUIPMENT.

536-1005 DEALER IBM Comp 48666, lower. ram, 270 hd, monitor, modem $875 941-4811, 488-8966 IBM PC 486-33DX 8MB ram 120MB hard drive, multimedia system, $1100 David MAC CLASSIC II wKevboard. Monitor Incls Some Software $500. Call 263-0465 MAC Classic 440. Word Excel.

Paqemaker programs, some games. $475OBO. 484-3368 MEMORY. 4mb $102. 8mb $198.

16mb $402, DIMM 8mb $219, 4mb EDO $112. 8mb EDO $217. MEM CO 521 5225 PB 48666 Mini Tower, 8MB 750MB, CD ROM. 14 4 mo dem, $1500, Ph. 848 5348 PENTIUM Used 1x, $999.

486 66 never used $699. VGA monitor $125. Jon 943 0146 Powermac 6200 8500CD4x 15" mon, kbd, photoshop, mos old, $1650. 923 0055. POWERPC 16500 CD DOS 1 multi mon.

Cost $5500. Ur gent sale $2500obo 455 421 Training install-software hardware system tune-ups, upgrades, 1 on 1 training. your location or mine, rates by day or hour. 26 0404 Liary USE IT AGAIN COMPUTERS We buy sell systems as low as 1S Ph. 590 4424.

486 DX66 wVGA color moni tor, new mother board. CPU. case, 540MB HD $750 Extra 4 MB ram $95 100 MB ZIP drive, box $150. After 6pm b-ojob. s.atiua 734-Electronlc Equipment Big Screen 42" Stereo TV, Hitachi, Dual Cable Input, $1035 239-6457 CABLE TV boxes ft access (10) $45 ea.

Universal for all TV cable systems 833-1468 COMPLETE ft ultimate hi qual ity home sound sys Yamaha. Paradigm, ADS, HarmanKar-don. Denon. Terk. monster ca bies Total cost over $5000 sell lor $2500hrm 845-7306 Hand-held two way radios wanted.

Ph: 488-9709 MORDAUNT SHORT MS30 SPEAKERS. $4P9 487 8252 EVENINGS TWO PAIRS BOSE ft JBL SPEAKERS $2200'all Moving lo Mainland 941 9609 VHS VCR (2) $65 ft $85 Beta $75 ft Beta Hi Fl $100 8mm Camcorder $175 488 4801 WANTED Jerrold Cable TV Boxes broken or needing repair-wilt pay $35ea 484 1404 $95 19' Color TV $95 Black ft White TVs $48 Better Home Appls 737-3055 mmmm a. A I.

Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.